Privacy Policy

Internal data controller and manager

Paola Gugnali, 58038 Seggiano (GR) Loc.Colombaio di Potentino n.5, e-mail, mobile +39 347 0184597 in her capacity as owner of the Pangea farmhouse.

External managers of the treatment

For the processing of data Pangea also makes use of IT tools mostly Public Cloud Computing, that is a set of technologies that allow the use of software and / or to store data via the internet. At the bottom of the page are listed the Partners chosen by Pangea for the IT processing of data and their respective privacy policies.

Below we inform you about the data processing carried out directly by Pangea.

Features of this website

This website has been created using the Smoobu GmbH Saas (Software as a Service) software with which Pangea has entered into a specific usage contract. The software, the data entered by Pangea and the booking data are hosted on the servers of Smoobu GmbH. The software allows you to activate various services in the Cloud. Pangea has chosen to activate the following services:

  • Website with direct bookings - Pangea has limited itself to inserting its Aruba domain, the images and description of the structure, the texts of the booking conditions in the appropriate spaces made available by the software.
  • Channel Manager. - Tool that connects the calendar of your website with those of the booking portals. The Smoobu channel manager collects all reservations in a special list, keeping all calendars constantly and automatically updated.

Which and how much data is collected during the request for information by the interested party

Pangea can only know the data left by the interested parties who contact us directly or through a booking portal for a request for information. In the case of a request for information via the portal, the conversations will take place within the portal site in the reserved area of Pangea. In the case of a request for information received directly from Pangea, written conversations can take place at the following addresses: email:, mobile chat: +39 347 0184597, mobile chat: +39 339 7450235.

What and how much data is collected at the time of booking

Pangea can only know the data left by interested parties who have made a reservation through this website or through a booking portal.

Booking through the portal

In its own reserved area of the portal, Pangea has access to the data of the interested party as collected by the booking procedures of the portal itself.

Direct booking on this site or by email or telephone chat

  • Booking on this site - Data that Pangea requires to make a direct booking are: the country, name, surname and email address of the person concerned and the payment of a deposit by credit card. By accessing its own reserved area of the Smoobu GmbH software, Pangea has access to such data with the exception of the credit card number. At the time of payment, the Pangea booking system will redirect the interested party to the Paypal site where the transaction will take place.
  • Reservation by mail / message / phone - The data that Pangea requires to make a direct booking are: the country, name, surname and email address of the person concerned and the payment of a deposit by bank transfer. Also in this case Pangea does not know the payment details of the interested party because through the reserved area of its Pangea Bank it knows the holder of the transfer received but not the Iban used.

What and how much data is collected at check-in

Data collected to comply with legal obligations

The data acquired for these purposes do not require the consent of the interested party and in case of refusal to provide them, it will not be possible to proceed with the contract.

  • General information on the clients accommodated - Pursuant to the “Consolidated Law on Public Security Laws” (article 109 Royal Decree 18.6.1931 n. 773), for public security purposes they will be communicated electronically to the Police Headquarters.
  • General information on the clients accommodated - Pursuant to Article 70 of the Tuscany Region Law no. 86/2016, for statistical purposes and relating to the tourist tax will be communicated electronically to the Municipality.
  • Data required for issuing tax documents - Pursuant to the numerous regulations in force for administrative, accounting and tax purposes, they will be communicated electronically to the competent bodies.

Data collected for other purposes

The data acquired for these purposes require the consent of the interested party who may revoke it at any time.

  • Sensitive data. Necessary for the interested party to take advantage of the exemption from the tourist tax. In case of refusal to provide them, the tourist tax must be paid
  • Publishing reviews and photos. Pangea thanks guests who decide to write a comment or review or to donate some special photos to Pangea. Pangea will ask their consent to publish this material, anonymously, on its website or on its social networks

Methods of processing the collected data

The data collected by Pangea will be treated confidentially in a lawful, correct, transparent, adequate, relevant way and limited to the intended purposes.

Purpose of processing the collected data

The data collected, without your consent, are processed for the following purposes:

  • to respond to requests for information from the interested party (maintain pre-contractual relationships)
  • to provide the services booked by the interested party (execution of the contract)
  • to fulfill legal obligations in relation to contracts entered into with the interested party

The purposes of the data collected with your consent are described in the specific form signed by you.

Duration of treatment

Pre-contractual data and data of canceled reservations

These data are collected and stored only through IT tools. They will be canceled within 1 year of acquisition, the maximum period between a request for information and the signing of a contract.

Data of contracts concluded for bookings enjoyed

These data are collected and stored both through IT tools and through paper documents. The paper contractual file in the name of the person concerned, integrated with the printouts of the data acquired through IT tools, will be kept for the 10 years provided for by the Civil Code, (and even beyond in the case of tax assessments or legal disputes). The data acquired through IT tools will be deleted immediately after printing them on paper and in any case within 1 year of their acquisition. For the cancellation of data in Cloud Computing, Pangea will use the appropriate cancellation tools that may be made available by the respective Partners of the computer processing.

Data protection

The paper archives of Pangea are kept in the company in a special locked room.

The computer archives, stored "locally", are password protected.

The computer archives, stored "in Cloud Cumputing", can be accessed by Pangea only by entering personal and confidential access credentials.

Access to data

They have access to the archives stored "locally" both on paper and computerized: the data controller Paola Gugnali and Mr. Angelo Bellucci

The data controller Paola Gugnali, Mr. Angelo Bellucci and their respective partners who own the respective Cloud Computing have access to the Cloud Computing archives.

Mr. Angelo Bellucci has signed an obligation of confidentiality.

To whom the data can be communicated

By law

  • Telematically to the Police Headquarters through the site the details of the residents.
  • Telematically to the Municipality of Seggiano through the site the details of the residents.
  • Revenue Agency through the website: - Privacy Policy: the electronic invoices issued to the residents.

For the management and research of reservations

  • Smoobu GmbH through the website - Privacy Policy:
  • portal via the site - Privacy Policy: to search
  • Airbnb portal via the website: - Privacy Policy: integration policy out from the United States to search for reservations
  • Vrbo Portal through the website: - Privacy Policy:
  • Google My Business - Privacy Policy:
  • Facebook - Privacy Policy:
  • Instagram - Privacy Policy:
  • Aruba - - Privacy Policy: for the website domain

For managing messages and emails

  • The following Google services: Gmail service, Contacts service - Privacy Policy:
  • Whatsapp. From 1 January 2021 if the user resides in a country or territory of the "European Region", which includes the countries of the European Union), the WhatsApp services are provided by Facebook Ireland Limited, which is also the data controller responsible for the information of the user when using the WhatsApp services - Privacy Policy If the user does not reside in one of the countries or territories mentioned above, the WhatsApp services are provided by WhatsApp LLC - Privacy Policy

For the management of payments

  • On this website: Paypal - Privacy Policy:
  • Pos in Villa: - Privacy Policy:
  • Wire transfers: Banca Popolare di Milano - Privacy Policy: and its own home banking service managed by Tecmarket - Privacy Policy:


This website has been created using the specific software of Smoobu GmbH with which Pangea has stipulated a specific usage contract. Pangea has limited itself to inserting its domain, text contents and images in the appropriate spaces made available by the software. and cannot have any control over the cookies used by the Smoobu GmbH software. The web page contains information on the cookies used by this website as required by EU Regulation no. 679 of 2016.

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